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FCC Kids Camp 2017


For my internship, I served as one of eight Assistant Lead Counselors at First Covenant Church

 Kids Camp 2017

My Internship: About Me
ACLC Internship Worksheet (4).png

A Week In My Internship

Unfortunately, I took this position before I knew that it qualified as an internship, which meant that I didn't know to keep a daily log of my activities.  Fortunately, the general activities were repeated each week.  Each day began with arriving and helping with camp setup from 8:00-8:30am.  From 8:30-8:45 was the morning camp meeting, and from 8:45-9:00am were the individual color group meetings, which I partially facilitated.  From 9:00-11:50 were the camp activities, where I helped and oversaw the counselors moving campers from activity to activity.  11:50-12:30pm was lunchtime.  On Thursdays, I left in order to have a meeting with the camp directors, but otherwise, I was eating lunch with the campers outside and making sure they didn't hurt themselves by climbing trees or rocks.  I left lunch early, at 12:25, in order to set up afternoon songs, which I ran (with help) from 12:35-1:20.  From 1:20-3:00 was the rest of camp, and from 3:00-3:30 was camp shutdown for the day.  3:30-3:45 was afternoon meeting, followed by afternoon color group meeting from 3:45-4:00.  That was the general schedule, unless it was Friday.  Friday was closing program, which means that from 4:00-5:00, we were setting up for closing program.  5:00-6:00 was dinner for the counselors, and then from 6:00-9:00pm was closing program, where the campers came back with their parents to show them everything they had done that week.

My Internship: Welcome
All Assorted High Staff
Assorted High Staff of Sister Groups 2
Green Group High Staff + Blue Group Asst Lead
Sister Groups High Staff
Green Group High Staff


This was a difficult, yet still doable, internship.  While I largely knew what to expect from this position, there were some things that still surprised me.  I expected the Assistant Lead to be fairly similar to the counselor position and I was correct, to a degree. However, I did have to take direct organizational control over several activities on a regular basis, which was something I had never done before at this camp.
All in all, it was a great learning experience, I learned much more about how both my camp and camps in general are run, and I hope to have the Lead position next year.

My Internship: Conclusion
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