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Here are three of my best works.  One is in Science (Chemistry), one is in English, and one is in Learning to Learn.


Antacids Data Report

This is a report on the chemical composition and function of antacids in the human body, written in my sophomore year.  I included it here because it was concise, yet still included relevant data and several charts. The score I received for it was 50/50


Time Travel Paradoxes

This is the transcript of a speech that I gave in 9th grade.  Unfortunately, I had too much stage fright to give it in front of my class, but when I gave it in front of Lynn during , she said something resembling it being one of the best speeches she'd heard for that unit.  Looking back on the transcript now, I fully agree with her.


Project: Friday

This was another project that I was passionate about, that came about during second semester freshman year.  It was a project that I actually wanted to do, which significantly increased the amount of time I spent on it and thus the quality of the work.  It's a slideshow presentation about any skill we wanted to do for Learning to Learn.  I chose stop motion.

Want to see more examples of my past work? Get in touch today.

Best Works: Other Projects
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